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10 Feng Shui Horse Paintings for Your Home

Feng shui horse paintings can be a great addition to any home or office that wants to incorporate the principles of feng shui. In feng shui, horses are a symbol of strength, energy, and success. Here are some tips on how to incorporate feng shui horse paintings into your space:

Choose the right location: In feng shui, the placement of the horse painting is important. The best location for a horse painting is in the fame and recognition area of your home or office. This area is located at the center of the back wall of your space.

Consider the colors: The colors of the painting are also important in feng shui. Horses painted in red, gold, or brown are the most auspicious, as they symbolize energy, wealth, and power. Blue or green can also work, as they represent growth and vitality.

Choose the right style: There are many different styles of horse paintings in feng shui, but the most popular ones are galloping horses, as they represent speed and success. A painting of a horse running towards you is also a good choice, as it symbolizes good luck coming your way.

Keep it clean and well-maintained: To ensure the positive energy of the horse painting is not blocked, it’s important to keep it clean and well-maintained. Dust it regularly and avoid placing it in a cluttered or dark space.

Overall, feng shui horse paintings can be a beautiful and meaningful addition to any space. Just make sure to follow the feng shui principles when choosing and placing the painting, and keep it well-maintained to ensure its positive energy is felt.

Horses stand for success, strength, loyalty, dependability, bravery, movement, and endurance. Having a painting of seven horses in your home, according to Feng Shui, symbolises vitality and motivates you to act. Another technique for boosting a space’s positive energy, according to Vastu Shastra, is to hang a painting of a horse that is galloping or moving around the house. Let’s look at several horse art forms.

Different Forms of Feng Shui Horse Paintings

Feng Shui horse paintings are a popular decorative element in Feng Shui practice. Horses are a symbol of strength, power, and success in Feng Shui, and their depiction in paintings can bring good energy to a space. There are several different forms of Feng Shui horse paintings, each with their own unique meanings and benefits.

Running Horse: A painting of a horse in full gallop represents forward momentum and progress. It is believed that placing a running horse painting in the south sector of a room or building can attract success, recognition, and career advancement.

Horses in a Group: A painting featuring a group of horses signifies teamwork, unity, and harmonious relationships. It is often used in business environments to promote cooperation among colleagues.

Horse in a Landscape: A painting of a horse set in a beautiful natural setting, such as a meadow or mountain, can evoke feelings of freedom, adventure, and inspiration. This type of painting is believed to attract positive energy and can be used in any room to promote a sense of well-being.

White Horse: A white horse is considered especially auspicious in Feng Shui. It is a symbol of purity, innocence, and good luck. A painting of a white horse is said to bring positive energy and good fortune to a space.

Horse and Rider: A painting of a horse with a rider represents control, strength, and leadership. This type of painting is often used in home offices or workspaces to promote a sense of authority and confidence.

Overall, Feng Shui horse paintings are believed to bring positive energy to a space, and can be used in a variety of ways to enhance different aspects of life.

10 Feng Shui Horse Paintings for Your Home

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice that seeks to harmonize individuals with their environment. According to Feng Shui principles, incorporating artwork that depicts horses into your home can bring a sense of freedom, success, and energy into your life. Here are ten Feng Shui horse paintings that you can consider adding to your home:

1. Feng Shui Lucky Seven Horses

The Feng Shui Lucky Seven Horses, also known as the Seven Galloping Horses, is a popular symbol in Feng Shui. It represents good fortune, career success, and financial abundance. The Seven Horses are often depicted running in a row, with each horse having a unique color and direction. Here’s a brief overview of the symbolism behind each horse:

  • The horse at the front of the row is typically white and represents career advancements, opportunities, and new beginnings.
  • The second horse is black and symbolizes protection and strength. It is believed to protect against negative energy and help with overcoming obstacles.
  • The third horse is blue and represents peace and stability. It is said to bring calmness and a sense of security to the environment.
  • The fourth horse is green and represents growth and development. It is said to bring new opportunities for growth and progress in life.
  • The fifth horse is yellow and represents success and wealth. It is said to bring financial abundance and prosperity.
  • The sixth horse is red and represents recognition and fame. It is said to bring fame, recognition, and admiration from others.
  • The seventh and final horse is purple and represents good health and longevity. It is said to bring good health and longevity to those who keep it in their environment.

According to Feng Shui practitioners, displaying the Seven Lucky Horses in your home or workplace can help attract good fortune and success in all areas of life. The horses can be displayed as a painting, sculpture, or other decorative item. They are often placed in the wealth area of the home or workplace, which is the far left corner of the room when standing at the entrance.

In feng shui, horses represent success and power. Feng shui claims that hanging a painting of the lucky seven horses in your home can guarantee your financial stability. A promotion, business success, and personal financial security are all guaranteed by the same seven horses artwork that hangs in your office.

The seven horses’ orientation and placement in the piece of art are crucial. A seven-horse painting should be hung with care; the horses should be in motion inside to indicate that it belongs there. In your home or place of business, hang it on the east or south wall.

2. Galloping Horses Painting

The “Galloping Horses” painting is a traditional subject in Chinese art that depicts a group of horses running at full speed. This theme has been a popular one in Chinese art for centuries and can be found in a wide variety of media, including painting, sculpture, and ceramics.

In Chinese culture, horses are seen as symbols of strength, speed, and vitality. They are also considered a sign of good fortune and are often associated with military success. As such, the galloping horses motif has long been a popular subject for artists who want to convey a sense of power and energy.

One of the most famous examples of the galloping horses motif is the “Night-Shining White” painting, which was created during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 CE). This painting features a group of horses running across a field under a full moon. The image is so powerful that it has become a symbol of the Tang Dynasty itself and is considered a national treasure in China.

Other famous examples of the galloping horses motif include the “Thousand Li Horse” painting from the Song Dynasty (960-1279 CE) and the “Eight Horses” painting from the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368 CE). These works, along with many others, demonstrate the enduring popularity of this theme in Chinese art.

A painting of a galloping horse in your home or office, according to Feng Shui, may increase your luck when dealing with challenges at work. Horses are a symbol of bravery, durability, strength, speed, and endurance. You should hang a painting of a galloping horse on the south wall of your office if you want to triumph, succeed, and grow steadily and quickly. Success in one’s career and personally follows.

3. Feng Shui Golden Horse

The Feng Shui Golden Horse is a popular symbol used in the practice of Feng Shui, which is an ancient Chinese art and science that aims to promote positive energy flow and balance in living spaces. In Feng Shui, the horse is considered a powerful symbol of success, strength, and freedom, and is often used to activate the energy of the South sector of a home or office.

The Golden Horse, specifically, is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. It is said to bring good fortune, success, and abundance into one’s life. According to Feng Shui principles, placing a Golden Horse figurine or painting in the South sector of your home or office can help attract positive energy and opportunities related to career and business success.

It’s important to note that Feng Shui is not a magical solution to all problems, and the effectiveness of using symbols like the Golden Horse depends on various factors, such as the layout and energy flow of the space, the intention and mindset of the person using it, and other environmental and personal factors. However, for those who believe in the power of Feng Shui, the Golden Horse is a valuable tool for enhancing prosperity and success.

A tribute horse in Feng Shui is the golden horse. It is thought to have stepped on a bed of riches and coins. This stands for luck, riches, security, mastery, vigour, and dignity. The southern corner of the room or office is the best location for keeping this horse artwork in order to achieve movement and manifest the desired respect, renown, and popularity.

You can attract luck and fortune by keeping this horse on your desk. This horse can offer luck to those who are concerned about the competitive nature of their careers and wish to guarantee the finest outcomes in that area.

4. Eight Horses Painting

The “Eight Horses” painting is a classical Chinese painting that depicts eight horses running, each with a unique pose and expression. The painting is widely regarded as a masterpiece of Chinese art and is considered one of the most famous works of the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD).

The Eight Horses painting was created by the Tang Dynasty artist Han Gan, who was known for his exceptional skills in painting horses. The painting is believed to have been completed during the early part of the 8th century, although the exact date is unknown.

The horses in the painting are painted with great attention to detail, and each has a unique personality and expression. The composition of the painting is also noteworthy, as the horses are arranged in a way that creates a sense of movement and energy.

The Eight Horses painting has been widely reproduced and copied throughout Chinese history, and it has become a symbol of Chinese art and culture. It is now housed in the National Palace Museum in Taipei, Taiwan, where it is considered one of the most important treasures of the collection.

According to Feng Shui, the eight-horse image can enhance your life and career and bring you dynamism, success, and promotions. Success, happiness, children, health, career, personal growth, education, and marriage are the eight life careers that correspond to the eight aspirations we have for ourselves in this world.

The renown field and the career field (south) should each have an artwork of a horse (north). Your home will prosper if you have an image of eight galloping horses in the living room near the front door.

5. Feng Shui Fly Atop Horse

The Feng Shui fly atop horse is a popular symbol in Feng Shui practice and is believed to bring success, wealth, and good fortune. In this symbol, the horse represents speed, strength, and perseverance, while the fly represents the ability to overcome obstacles and navigate through difficulties.

Placing the Feng Shui fly atop horse on the northern side of your work desk is believed to help you overcome obstacles and achieve success in your professional life. This symbol is said to enhance your opportunities for advancement and bring positive energy to your work environment. Additionally, it is said to help you maintain positive relationships with your colleagues, promoting teamwork and cooperation.

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It’s important to note that while Feng Shui is a popular practice in many cultures and traditions, its effectiveness is largely subjective and based on personal belief. As such, it’s up to each individual to decide whether or not to incorporate Feng Shui principles into their daily life.

According to Feng Shui, the victorious horse might have a sizable fly built on its back to improve the flow of positive energy and widen the variety of job opportunities. Because it enables you to climb the success ladder, create the best opportunities, and keep winning, the fly horse combination is exceptional in many ways for design and décor.

To overcome obstacles and seize opportunities, place this Feng Shui Horse on the northern side of your desk at the office. Also, it preserves your professional connections.

6. Horse in Motion

In feng shui, horses are often considered a symbol of success, strength, and freedom, and paintings of horses in motion can be particularly auspicious as they are thought to represent forward momentum and progress in life.

When choosing a feng shui horse painting, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, it’s important to choose a painting that you truly love and that speaks to you personally. Second, consider the placement of the painting in your home or office. According to feng shui principles, the best location for a horse painting is in the south sector of your home or office, which is associated with fame, recognition, and success.

Additionally, it’s recommended that the horse in the painting is depicted in a natural and healthy way, with an energetic and lively appearance, as this is believed to attract positive energy and good fortune. Colors can also be important in feng shui, and it’s believed that a painting with red, gold, or yellow tones can be particularly auspicious for attracting wealth and success.

Finally, it’s worth noting that in feng shui, the image of a horse can also represent a specific direction or element. For example, a white horse can be associated with the metal element and the west direction, while a black horse can be associated with the water element and the north direction. If you are interested in exploring these aspects of feng shui, you may want to consult with a feng shui expert who can provide more guidance on the use of horse paintings in your home or office.

You can bolster your fortitude and foster kindness by looking at images or statues of a single moving horse. Progress, success, growth or promotion, loyalty, and tenacity are all represented by moving horses. You might find that a galloping horse or other animal keeps you inspired and on the correct track.

7. Red Horse

In Feng Shui, the color red is associated with passion, energy, and power. A painting of a red horse in motion can be a powerful Feng Shui remedy for enhancing success, fame, and recognition. Here are a few tips to consider when selecting and placing a Feng Shui horse painting of a red horse:

  • Choose a painting that depicts a red horse in motion: In Feng Shui, a horse in motion is believed to symbolize forward movement and progress. Look for a painting that depicts a horse running or galloping, as this will reinforce the idea of progress and momentum.
  • Hang the painting in the South or Southwest sector of your home or office: In Feng Shui, the South and Southwest sectors are associated with fame, recognition, and reputation. Hanging a painting of a red horse in motion in one of these sectors can help enhance these areas of your life.
  • Hang the painting at eye level: When hanging a Feng Shui painting, it is important to hang it at eye level. This allows you to connect with the energy of the painting and reinforces the idea of progress and forward movement.
  • Avoid placing the painting in a bedroom or bathroom: In Feng Shui, it is generally not recommended to place paintings of animals in a bedroom or bathroom. These areas are associated with rest and relaxation, and the energy of the horse painting may be too active for these spaces.

Rapid red horses aggressively improve the performance of your business by increasing clientele, fame, and cash flow. Red horses that run quickly represent a manly spirit of perseverance. Huge herds of horses—three, five, seven, or even eight—are occasionally employed as symbols of strength and success. As a symbol of unity or teamwork, horses should be running or strolling in groups.

8. White Horse

In feng shui, the horse is a powerful symbol of strength, vitality, and success. A white horse is particularly auspicious as it is associated with purity and good luck. Here are some tips on how to incorporate a feng shui horse painting of a white horse into your home or office:

  • Placement: The placement of the painting is important in feng shui. It is recommended to place the horse painting in a prominent location, such as the living room, dining room, or home office. The painting should be hung at eye level and not too high or too low.
  • Direction: The direction of the horse in the painting is also important. In feng shui, the horse should be facing into the room and not facing a wall or door. This symbolizes the arrival of good fortune and opportunities into your life.
  • Number of horses: Depending on the size of the painting, it is recommended to have a pair of horses in the painting. This represents a harmonious and balanced relationship between two forces, which can bring good luck and success in business or personal relationships.
  • Color scheme: In feng shui, the color white is associated with purity, clarity, and new beginnings. When selecting a horse painting, choose one that predominantly features the color white or has white as a prominent color.

White horse riding ensures a great and easy revenue. The white colour of the Feng Shui horse, which represents peace and stability, helps people get over obstacles in relation to money. A pair of white horses can be placed to the north or northwest galloping. Wood, metal, ceramic, or paint are just a few of the materials that can be utilised to make a horse figurine.

Overall, a feng shui horse painting of a white horse can bring positive energy and good luck into your home or office. By following these tips on placement, direction, number of horses, and color scheme, you can create a harmonious and auspicious environment that supports your goals and aspirations.

9. Jumping Horse

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art of harmonizing the environment, and it is believed that certain symbols and elements can bring good luck, prosperity, and success. In Feng Shui, the horse is considered a symbol of strength, power, and success. A jumping horse painting is a popular Feng Shui cure to attract good fortune, success, and achievement.

According to Feng Shui principles, a jumping horse painting should be placed in the South direction of a room or space to activate the Fame and Recognition sector. This sector is associated with success, reputation, and recognition, and placing a jumping horse painting in this area is believed to bring luck and recognition.

It is also essential to choose the right colors for the jumping horse painting. In Feng Shui, the horse is associated with the Fire element, so the painting should have red, orange, or yellow colors. These colors represent energy, enthusiasm, and excitement, which are essential for achieving success.

When choosing a jumping horse painting for Feng Shui, it is essential to select a painting that depicts a healthy, strong, and powerful horse. The horse should be jumping upwards and forward, representing upward momentum and progress.

So, a Feng Shui jumping horse painting is believed to bring good fortune, success, and recognition when placed in the South direction of a room or space. Choosing the right colors and a painting that depicts a healthy, strong, and powerful horse is essential to activate the Fame and Recognition sector and attract good luck and prosperity.

A jumping horse with the proper foot stamping stance and raised tail can also be displayed by homebuyers on a table, desk, or other appropriate surfaces. Stamping and elevating the tail promise victory, and the ornamented jumping horse might be quite a lucky omen. Choose the horses that will approach from the left or the front. Horses shouldn’t show rage, only delight. It must demonstrate joy.

10. Feng Shui Pair of Tribute Horse

The Feng Shui Pair of Tribute Horse is a popular decorative item in traditional Chinese culture that symbolizes strength, success, and victory. In Feng Shui practice, the horse is considered a powerful and auspicious animal that can bring good luck and positive energy into one’s home or workplace.

The Pair of Tribute Horse is typically displayed as two identical horse figurines, standing side by side with their heads held high and their manes flowing. They are often made from materials like brass, bronze, or jade and may be adorned with various decorative elements, such as gemstones or intricate engravings.

In Feng Shui, it is believed that the placement of the Pair of Tribute Horse is important for maximizing its benefits. The figurines should be placed in a prominent location, such as the living room or entrance hall, facing the main door or window. This is said to help attract success, fame, and recognition, as well as promote harmony and positivity in the home or workplace.

Overall, the Feng Shui Pair of Tribute Horse is a popular symbol of good fortune and success in traditional Chinese culture, and it can be a beautiful and meaningful addition to any home or office.

Importance of Horses in Feng Shui

A Feng Shui pair of tribute horses with a gold ingot on their backs are extremely valuable tribute horses that defeat rivals and gain glory. It also provides honours and opens up opportunities for achievement in life. Keeping this horse couple in the south on a raised platform can be quite lucky.

In Feng Shui, horses are considered as a symbol of power, success, and freedom. They are believed to bring positive energy and good luck to the environment. Here are some of the ways in which horses are considered important in Feng Shui:

Energy and Movement: Horses are known for their powerful energy and movement. In Feng Shui, they represent the energy of success, mobility, and progression. They are believed to promote positive energy and help overcome obstacles.

Wealth and Success: According to Feng Shui principles, the placement of horse statues or pictures in the southeast sector of the home or office is believed to attract wealth and success. Horses are also considered to be a symbol of good fortune and abundance.

Protection and Support: Horses are believed to offer protection and support in Feng Shui. Placing a pair of horses at the entrance of your home or office is thought to help prevent negative energy from entering and to provide support for success and good fortune.

Harmony and Balance: In Feng Shui, horses are believed to promote harmony and balance in relationships. They are thought to enhance communication, understanding, and collaboration between people.

Spirituality: Horses are also considered a spiritual symbol in Feng Shui. They are associated with freedom, courage, and inner strength. Horses are believed to help people connect with their inner selves, and to inspire them to pursue their dreams and aspirations.

Overall, horses are considered an important symbol in Feng Shui for their energy, power, and positive influence on the environment. By incorporating them into your home or office decor, you can create a space that promotes success, wealth, harmony, and spiritual growth.


Feng Shui Horse refers to the placement and use of horse-related symbols, artworks, and decor in Feng Shui practice. In Feng Shui, horses are believed to represent power, strength, and success, and their presence is said to bring good luck, wealth, and prosperity to the home or workplace.

Some of the common horse-related items used in Feng Shui include horse statues, paintings, and figurines. The placement of these items is important, as they should be positioned in specific areas to maximize their positive effects.

For example, placing a horse statue in the southern part of the home or workplace is believed to promote success, recognition, and fame, while placing it in the north is said to enhance career opportunities and provide support from helpful people.


What is Feng Shui?
Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese system of arranging your surroundings in a harmonious and balanced way to promote good health, wealth, and happiness.

Why are horse paintings popular in Feng Shui?
Horse paintings are popular in Feng Shui because they symbolize power, strength, and success. In traditional Chinese culture, horses are also associated with good fortune and auspiciousness.

What are the top 10 Feng Shui horse paintings for my home?
The top 10 Feng Shui horse paintings for your home are the Windhorse, Running Horses, Eight Galloping Horses, Five Horses Painting, Victory Horses, Horse in a Landscape, Horse in a Stable, Horse in a Field, Horse and Dragon, and Horse and Monkey.

Where should I place my Feng Shui horse painting in my home?
The placement of your Feng Shui horse painting depends on the specific area of your life that you want to enhance. For example, if you want to attract more success and recognition, you should place the painting in the Fame and Reputation area of your home.

What colors should my Feng Shui horse painting be?
The colors of your Feng Shui horse painting should depend on the specific element associated with the area of your home where you plan to place it. For example, if you plan to place the painting in the Wealth and Prosperity area, you should choose a painting with colors that represent the Wood element, such as green and brown.

Should I choose a specific breed of horse for my Feng Shui painting?
No, the specific breed of horse does not matter in Feng Shui. What matters more is the energy and symbolism that the painting represents.

Can I use a photograph of a horse instead of a painting for Feng Shui?
Yes, you can use a photograph of a horse for Feng Shui as long as it is high-quality and represents the energy and symbolism that you want to bring into your home.

Do I need to believe in Feng Shui for the horse paintings to have an effect?
No, you do not need to believe in Feng Shui for the horse paintings to have an effect. The power of the horse paintings lies in the symbolism and energy that they represent, which can have an impact on your subconscious mind and surroundings regardless of your beliefs.

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